Basic Principles and Definitions

Spiritual =
- That which is not Matter or Energy, but which is manifesting Matter or Energy, that which creates Matter or Energy.
- Seeking clarity regarding one’s true nature, potential, and origin as a Spiritual Being. Se also ‘Divine’ and ‘Source’ below.
- Operating or acting according to a certain degree of Spiritual Awareness and Characteristics.
- Having to do with the Spiritual Realm, or with Spiritual Beings or Entities, or with the Divine, or God, or Source.
Spirituality =
- Having to do with seeking clarity regarding one’s true nature, potential, and origin as a Spiritual Being, as opposed to material quests.
- Engaging in or studying phenomena, or activities having to do with Spiritual Beings or the Spiritual Realm, the Divine, or being caused or manifested by Spiritual Beings or Entities.
Divine =
- Something emanating from Source, or Source itself.
This is something to be regarded as being Sacred and Precious.
Source =
- The Source of Life itself – presumably a Consciousness or Awareness that does not really activate itself, until Spiritual Beings emanate from it – it just IS.
This “offshoot” may have happened once or several times in a very distant past, and it may still be going on.
This, one could assume, would then be infinite Potential – in a slumbering state, or in an active state respectively. - This Source could probably also be called God. This, as well as all the Spiritual Beings emanating from this Source, as they could be assumed to be Godlike, that is to say “images of God”.
Source is the ocean, and Spiritual Beings (that is we – that is what we basically are) are the droplets of the ocean.
(There may be a Being or Entity calling himself God, but the truth of that it is up to each and everyone to find out for themselves.
This is a religious belief though, not a spiritual one, i contend…
This is then “Father God”, as we are taught, with a male identity. Maybe there is somewhere a female counterpart ?)
Maybe we do not have to have a clear or full definition of God here, which is probably rather difficult to get at this point, but let us do our very best…
Ethics =
The realization and urge of doing what is the right thing to do, according to the best possible survival and wellbeing of the ones involved.
That will include looking at the consequences for as many as possible affected by the situation and action i question.
This would also, for a decent individual, besides “Do No Harm” include using common sense and empathy, and “do to another only what you are willing to have done to you”.
The above is a very basic definition, and there is also:
- The subject of what is a right or wrong action, according to the best possible survival and wellbeing of the ones involved, and:
- The application of certain rules or standards, as to right or wrong actions or behaviour per the above.